Riding sketchy Chairlift at The Needles – Isle of Wight,DON’T LOOK DOWN!

0:00 Ride down
1:15 Going over the edge
3:30 Getting off at bottom station
4:15 Getting on for return ride back up

On a recent family visit to the Isle of Wight we decided to visit the famous Needles and ride the Chairlift down to the beach.

As you will see the views are lovely,but maybe not for those who don’t like heights lol.

Prices for the Chairlift are –
Adults £4 each way
Children £3 each way

Parking which is charged for the whole day is £6 per car and slightly more for campers and such like,but can’t remember the exact price.

For anyone looking to visit the Isle of White then as s a rough guide,it cost us £100 return for an Mercedes A class with 5 passengers.
Prices will vary for size of vehicle and time of day that you travel.

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